No, you're not back in 2008...
Towards the end of 2022 the 'digicam' started making a comeback. Now in 2023 they are well and truly part of the Pre-Owned camera market.
The aesthetic from these cameras is the lo-fi, hazy quality that screams 00's. It has exploded on social media (TikTok) and the prices of these compact cameras are slowly rising. The resurgence of the digicam is something that divides our customer base- people either seem to love it or hate it.
We break down why these tiny cameras we never thought we'd use again are finding their way back into fashion.
What is a 'digicam'?
In simple terms digicam = digital + camera. However the trending term 'digicam' refers to a small digital camera from the 00s. If you were to dig out your really old pink digital camera from your childhood belongings that you used to take on holiday- that's a digicam. The older and more colourful the better.
Why have they made a resurgence now?
Many of us grew up in the 2000s and have fond memories of using digicams as our first ever camera. A lot of our childhood holidays and bad school photos were captured on digicams which gives them sentimental value. Add this to the general trend of retro tech being popular and digicams are now considered gems.
The general vibe of a digicam makes them a perfect collectible. They are compact and colourful- ideal for using them on your social media platforms. Trends move quickly and the digicam emerged at a time where the film wave was reaching a crest. Film is now notoriously expensive, whereas digicams give you the retro look (albeit it may not be the same quality) without the development costs.
Simply put, the low-res sensors, quirky colours and vintage look make your photos unique. These cameras offer creative control and 2000s style filters that can't be totally replicated.
What should I look for in a digicam?
A Decent Resolution
The standard resolution for entry-level cameras was around 3 megapixels, a good quality cam would be higher than this.
Optical Zoom
Optical zoom lenses were not as common in the early 2000s as they are today, but a good quality digicam would have had one. Optical zoom lenses allow you to zoom in without sacrificing image quality.
Manual Controls
For better creative control look for a digicam that has manual controls for aperture, shutter speed and ISO. This will allow you to produce better results.
Rechargeable Batteries
Look for digicams that come with rechargeable batteries, they're more convenient and eco friendly.
So what do you think? Are you now searching for the perfect 00s gem? Let us know your thoughts below!